People (!) how you define gorgeous (?)

case A

She who is undeniably beautiful and proudly say, 'I selalu ja p saloon, nanti rambut I kusut, tak cantik. Mani pedi pun tak pernah tinggal sejak lahir (konon), sebab tu jari I semua nampak berkilat ja. Cantik kan? Oh, kalau jeans I prefer yang 300 above la, baru selesa, not to mention I wear 26. Sebenarnya kalau 25 pun boleh je muat. One more, you tengok I pakai baju ketat sangat eay? Ramai ja yg pandang, I bukan telanjang pun, kan?'

case B

She who puts on hijab for everything. Nampak kolot, serabai, gelebeh. Muka boleh tahan tapi dressing fail (orang cakap). She doesnt know 'what' is Paramore and people blame her for being so old-fashioned. But she wears jeans too, perhaps her mother's. And she does save her money, not for Jimmy Choos, but for her hijabs.

Now choose people. How do you define gorgeous, beautiful and pretty? Who knows you have your own case C ;D

In economics, different people have different tastes. So no offense ya :)

(Tiba2 economics element disitu. Maaf maaf sila ignore sebab theory tu tadak kaitan pun. Yang nak di stressed kan yang jangan berkecik hati jantung limpa semua tu)

Good day! Salam.